February 4, 2008

There's a first time for everything. ...

So out of all the times I have traveled, I at least usually ave my toothbrush in my purse... but no, I checked my bags through with everything. A quick thought of, 'maybe i should just take my backpack with me' crossed my mind, but I didn't care. Now I know why.

Anyway, first things first, I have made it to Jaipur safely. It was a long journey, but I am here.

So I get to London, and well when I went to check in, I guess, Robyn (the nice United attendant that checked in my bags) didn't know what she was doing and check both bags with the same number, so instead of even sending one bag through, they canceled the bags and well, I guess they are somewhere in the sky (probably in Delhi by now). All I know is they are not with me in Jaipur. So, yah, that has never happened before. There are a few things I will do from now on, check the baggage numbers and really take the necessities with me. Hopefully I will at least get my bags before my two weeks are up.

I'll get over it, i already have some new clothes and everything else you need. Good thing there is a market place right near my accommodation. I can get whatever I need.

Other than that, the cows hanging out on the side of the road is the most amusing thing to me yet. I haven't had much time to venture out yet.

Today was our first day at our project. There is myself and 4 other people on the project I am doing, an Irish woman and three other English guys. We venture into the very deprived areas of Jaipur. It is always amazing that people live this way. Yet at the same time they all seem happy.

We went into a school in the back of what may be called a slum. The kids were cute there are about 5 classes. All very polite. Our job, for the first day was to take the height and weight of each of the kids. We pretty much guessed on the height, and had a scale for the weight. As for their birthday's no one really knew how old they were or when their birthday was. A few of them spoke words of English.

Anyway, it is difficult to even explain the things that I have seen. The taxi's are a hoot, we managed to fit 7 of us in this little rickshaw taxi.

Without letting this get too long, I am off for now. Looks like I will be taking Yoga classes each night for the two weeks I am here. Why not right.

Also, I am off to the airport to attempt to file a report to figure out if there is any possible way to find my baggage.

Until next time.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Sounds like an amazing experience, Melanie! I'm so proud of you for just hopping across the globe by yourself. It's a good thing you remember Robin's name. As sweet as she was, she messed up, and United WILL pay. When you get back, I'll help you write your letter. You have to ask for what you want (I say reimbursement of items bought and a free US flight). I miss you!!!!! Glad you're coming home on Monday!@