February 7, 2008

Day Four

Well, I am on day four here, and still no bags, who knows where they are, I flew three airlines and non of them want to take responsibility. They are either in Delhi or maybe here. I figure at this point, I probably will just get them in Delhi on my way home.

Anyway, no big deal, I am here, things are good.

I am not sure what to update you on, but here is a typical day.

It starts off with breakfast at about 8am... we were having omelets everyday (basically flat eggs - not American style omelets) - until today, apparently there is a bird flu somewhere in India, so we can't have eggs. (I'll write more about food later).

At 8:45 we are picked up by our taxi - a rickshaw, like a motorcycle with a cage on the back. Five of us squeeze in and we are on our way.. The drive starts into oncoming traffic, until we are able to make a u-turn at the roundabout, dodging the other cars, bikes, dogs, women, wheel burrows, whatever may be in our way.

On our drive we pass anything from cows on the side of the road, dogs, chickens, helmets for sale, vegetable&fruit stands, men peeing on the side of the walls, camels pulling carts, etc. After about 20 minutes or so we pull into the slummy area seeing many of the same things. We get to where we start our 5 min walk or so passing overflowing garbage cans where you may see cows, goats, chickens and such eating their breakfast. People in their homes (which certainly aren't much), or hanging out. Many people say hi, especially when you see five white people walking through these areas.

When we get to the school the children are usually in an assembly singing songs. They head into their classrooms, everyone sits on the floor. Yesterday I was given the playgroup. Probably 3 or 4 year old children, who don't understand anything I have to say, and start beating each other up, wrestling, laughing. I managed to get a few songs in they know, who doesn't know head - shoulders - knees and toes? But that only lasts about 3 minutes and I must have had them for about 45 min. They knew I didn't understand them, they didn't understand me, so it was quite difficult to communicate and do anything. I started to think, teaching is not my thing. Anyway, it was a good day, exhausting, and proving challenging. I don't speak Hindi. Every now and again one of the teachers would come in yell at the kids and tell them to sit down. That lasted very short while. Sometimes you have to wonder if that is even really helping.

Today I colored with the older kids, but there is a lack of paper for anyone to color on so it makes it difficult. I think we are all pitching in on some paper so we have something to do.

Anyway, we finish up about 1pm and head back to the guesthouse, lunch is at 2pm, made up of some sort of vegetarian dish and chibati (bread), very basic.

I have been doing quick e-mail in the afternoon, but haven't had much time since the whole - where are my bags things are consuming my afternoons. (going to the Air India office, airport, shopping for a few new things to wear).

Yoga is at 6:00pm, and again I will write more about the Yoga experiences later.

Dinner at 7:30pm and after that, it's basically a cup of tea some conversations and bed. I can't really venture out after dark, we have to be back by 10pm and I haven;t really had a chance to see much yet since I have been here. I still have 10 days left.

Until next time!

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